Design bureau 4 uHa was founded in 2011 and has since grown into an office with over 20 members. We are a team of young experts divided into 4 teams that cover a whole range of services from architectural design, urbanism, and interior design to apportionment, energy certification, restoration, expert reporting, appraisal, legalization… All projects, regardless of size are important to us and we approach each task with great enthusiasm and diligence.
With over 300 finished projects, interior design has become our trademark service. Most of those were flat, apartment, and family home interior designs, but you can find public space interiors such as hotels or reaturants as well.
For each project – whether it is a family house, apartment building or any other construction typlogy, we stand at your service, starting with master lan analysis, rough feasibility studies, concept design, obtainig the building permits, all the way to the project design, supervision, certificate of occupancy, and apportionment.
A special benefit in engaging us is that along with the project, be it a house or a luxury villa, we can offer interior design services and so offer a full service and keep the budget within the set limits. We help you form a project assignment, define the first drafts, control the budget, find the contractors, and supervise the project. Our projects are often complete turnkey solutions.
We aim for continual improvement. This is why we have created a demanding work environment, where each of us has a possibility and an obligation to constantly grow. On the other hand, to control the inter team tension, we maintain a positive attitude with continual gatherings, unconventional workplace and a quirky sense of humor.
What are you waiting for? Gather your courage and prepare to jump with us into new, exciting projects.

Mislav Bašić

Andreja Bašić

Danijela Koren

Paula Zurić

Snježana Švajcer

Tomislav Despotović

Mirjana Alić

Hrvoje Plačko Maček

Ivan Zloušić

Dario Kristić

Ivana Družinec

Marina Gornik

Dino Šaruga

Marko Ramov

Klara Perak

Dorotea Korejzl

Sara Hranilović

Prve arhitektonske staze počeli smo stvarati 2011. godine te smo, uz puno volje te osobnog i profesionalnog rasta, stvorili stabilan tim od 20 ljudi koji kombinira mladost i iskustvo, kreativnost i inženjersku preciznost, duhovitost i ozbiljnost. Naše područje interesa je veoma raznoliko i prilagodljivo potrebama tržišta – obiteljske kuće, luksuzni stanovi, mali apartmani, vile s bazenima, stambene i obrazovne zgrade, lokali, ordinacije, hoteli, barovi, restorani, projekti interijera svih namjena samo dio su našeg kvalitetnog portfolia.
Projekte vodimo od početnih konzultacija, financijskih i urbanističkih analiza, preko kvalitetne razrade projekta i pripreme ponudbenog troškovnika, pa sve do project managementa, odabira izvođača i vođenja gradilišta. Ovdje smo da našu ponudu, iskustvo i kreativnost usmjerimo i prilagodimo Vašim potrebama. S ponosom možemo reći da je veličina našeg ureda u timskom radu. Ni jedan pojedinac nije ispred tima, sami sebi dajemo i kritike i pohvale što rezultira promišljenim i kvalitetnim projektima.
Postanite dio našeg tima koji će za Vas svaki eventualan problem pretvoriti u izazov, pitanje u odgovor te plan u realizaciju.
I samo nam nemojte reći da se nešto ne može. Jer ćemo upravo to napraviti. Uspješno, naravno.

Mislav Bašić

Andreja Bašić

Danijela Koren

Dragan Radić

Paula Zurić

Snježana Švajcer

Tomislav Despotović

Mirjana Alić

Hrvoje Plačko Maček

Ivan Zloušić

Dario Kristić

Ivana Družinec

Marina Gornik

Dino Šaruga

Marko Ramov

Klara Perak

Ana Turk

Dorotea Korejzl

Sara Hranilović

Dina Bartolić

Martina Martinić

Igor Bodiš